04-10-2015 1:35 PMPioneering Frontiers of Storytelling
The Doghouse leaves you wanting to watch it again (four more times at least) in order to grasp the full story. It is an incredibly effective immersive. When the character you've embodied sips wine, you can almost smell it. The tensions around the table feel more real. After viewing, there is plenty to discuss with new friends who you've only just met in a virtual world.
I was excited for the piece, but the amount of motion and the slow refresh rate of the Oculus gave me too much motion sickness. I was the young boy, so there might have been more motion than usual. I lasted about six minutes into the piece before I had to take it off completely because I was feeling too nauseous. Maybe once the technology improves this won't be as much of an issue, but I believe the big problem was how many smaller movements were occurring and how difficult it was for my eyes to focus on the screen. Also the Oculus pressed against my nose strongly, making it difficult to breathe.
Hi, thanks for letting us experience this stepchanging technology in movie's (and not only) world.
Experience was 360 degrees, totalizing, intense.
On negative side some dizziness caused by very moved footage (I was the kid), items in the table looked too close, pixels too big (could perfectly primary colors).
the idea is marvelous and experience was interesting,, but technical part of the execution was not very high :(
The movie is too blurry/ to many small pixels close to my eyes and all moving. As a result I felt extremely dizzy and didn't enjoy at the end.
Interesting experience and set up, though: 1) it was only on the original language, no translation available, so that the story couldnt be followed; 2)I got the character of the older son and when he stood up and moved to the kitchen I felt totally sick!
I was surprise by this experience don't know yet if it was productive and or emotionaly efficient in term of feeling but in a way that let's me think about incarnation or spirit kind of thing that I never research before but for sure I won't get an other experience for a very very long time!
Loved the experience. SO much better than all the other solitary Rift experiences. I found the blend of VR and tactile environment (I could touch the wine glass) amazing! The experience itself was at times disorienting and the resolution was suprisingly poor (but that could have to do with the fact I was wearing glasses that the Rift device was ill fitting) but I found the experience of watching this experience with 4 other strangers pretty transformative.
Det var en häftig upplevelse att få vara i en äldre mans kropp - jag längtar tills dess då tekniken är mer utvecklad, för jag mådde så illa att det var svårt att helt njuta av upplevelsen. Hade det pågått i fem minuter till, så hade jag nog spytt, tror jag.. .:/ Men jag gillade upplägget jättemycket, med den pinsamma familjemiddagen! Och att pappan gick ner i källaren och rökte en joint, det var kul att få vara med om en lite hemlig grej. :) Lite svårt att förstå danskan ibland, men det mesta hängde jag nog med på. Synd att det är så suddig bild, jag tror det bidrog till mitt illamående. Men annars - häftigt! Ser framemot att se fler grejer!
En meget anderledes og stærk oplevelse, at være en anden person, opleve fra en andes synsvinkel, og samtidig ikke kunne agere.
Stor oplevelse og stof til eftertanke.
Jeg havde den store fornøjelse, at se forestillingen Skammekrogen 2 gange. Som moderen og som kæresten Maja.
Det var en meget stærk følelse, at være de to personer.At kunne se igennem dem åbnede op for et hav af følelser, der i de 20 minutter filmen varede , til dels blev mine. En foruroligende oplevelse, der dog kan anbefales.
KANON FED oplevelse ! Vildt interaktivt og meget livagtigt. Eneste uelmpe var at jeg blev utrolig svimmel og søsyg og dette ødelagde lidt af eventyret... Kvalme eller ej, så var det fantastisk alligevel!!